The Timaru Herald

This Old Chook has lots to do; but I need a list


They say us oldies have nothing to do and all day to do it it. I’m not sure how ‘‘they say’’ know that. It’s more a statement people make because they think that if we are no longer in the working world we can please ourselves how we spend our time.

Not so. Perhaps I speak for myself only when I say I am busier than ever. Perhaps being busy is a choice I make. Being busy ensures I am never lonely. Being busy keeps me from fretting and centering thoughts on my aches and pains which certainly come with the ageing territory. Being busy, (so they say) keeps me out of mischief.

I think that is a stupid thing to say. Mischief does not have to be in the naughty category. It can be pure fun. As we get older we certainly need to dwell on the sunny side of life and if that means a little mischief thrown into the equation I’m all for it.

Being busy keeps us happy, (they say) and helps with indigestio­n. Now that’s another good thing especially with Christmas coming up.

Oh dear, I am getting carried away and it is all because I am busy and almost forgot to write ‘‘The Old Chook’’ this week. I forgot to put it on my list yesterday so now I have limited time and I’m coming up with all this nonsense.

Talking of lists, they take increasing prominence in my daily world. To make sure I don’t forget I have to write everything down on bits of paper. Yet that doesn’t always solve the forgetfuln­ess.

I will put this column on my list for next week now.

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