The Timaru Herald

Shared facilities emerge from Patiti Point erosion

- Matthew Littlewood

The erosion at Patiti Point has South Canterbury’s cadet forces and deerstalke­rs associatio­n targeting a new shared space.

The joining of forces was first proposed earlier this year, when the continuing coastline erosion forced the South Canterbury Deerstalke­rs’ Associatio­n to shift their building away from danger.

SCDA spokesman Tim McCarthy said the plan to link with the Combined Cadet Units South Canterbury finally came about after talking to members – navy, air and army – of the voluntary military-style training organisati­on for youth.

‘‘There’s a lot of crossover in what we and the cadets do,’’ McCarthy said.

‘‘We’re looking for a long-term location for our building, and it makes sense to share with a similarly inclined organisati­on.’’

McCarthy said the deerstalke­rs building was still ‘‘sitting on blocks’’ near the pistol club at the Caledonian Grounds, but it would be moved alongside the cadets’ facility by February.

‘‘It’s all pretty exciting, but there’s some paperwork, and work on foundation­s, to be done before it’s totally ready. Everyone had been in a bit of a holding pattern until recently.’’

McCarthy said it was hoped to have the building’s facilities for the deerstalke­rs associatio­n completed next month.

‘‘We need to sit down and nut out some details but we’re hoping to also include a kitchen and toilet facilities.’’

SCDA has about 200 members, while the cadets has about 35.

McCarthy said the first stage of the developmen­t would be to share the site, with a view to sharing facilities once all the work is completed.

Cadets’ unit commander, Squadron Leader Mark Morris, said the Timaru District Council had provided them with an old building, which the cadets will then fit out for purpose.

‘‘We will have to raise money for its completion, I suspect it would be about $200,000 to get it up and running.

‘‘The cadets have never really had a space of its own in South Canterbury, we’ve always shared with others, so for us to have our own specific area would really help put us on the map.’’

Morris said the South St site was significan­tly far away as to not be affected by the erosion at Patiti Point.

 ?? BEJON HASWELL/STUFF ?? Checking out the inside of the building which will become the new home of the combined cadet units of South Canterbury are, from left, Jacob Ferguson, 15, Maddison Parker, 14, and Jesse Ferguson, 13.
BEJON HASWELL/STUFF Checking out the inside of the building which will become the new home of the combined cadet units of South Canterbury are, from left, Jacob Ferguson, 15, Maddison Parker, 14, and Jesse Ferguson, 13.

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