The Timaru Herald

Baby boosts monkey business at zoo

- Mandy Te

A baby squirrel monkey is the latest addition to Wellington Zoo – and it’s the first of its kind to be born at the zoo in more than five years.

The zoo’s primate team came into their enclosure yesterday morning to find one of the squirrel monkeys had given birth.

On Facebook, Wellington Zoo said ‘‘while it’s still early days, mum Tupiza is doing a great job so far’’.

‘‘Visitors have been lucky enough to see the newest addition clinging to mum’s back today at the zoo.

‘‘We won’t know the sex of the baby for a while but we’ll be sure to keep you posted with any updates,’’ the zoo’s post said.

The squirrel monkeys, originally from Bolivia, came to the zoo in 2010.

According to Wellington Zoo, female squirrel monkeys give birth to about six infants every year.

Baby squirrel monkeys hold onto their mother’s backs for months until they are big enough to move around on their own.

In April 2018, a man went into the squirrel monkey enclosure at the zoo and tried to capture one of the squirrel monkeys.

By the time the incident was over, the man, John Casford, had a broken leg and tooth, and had bruises from trying to get away.

Some monkeys were found with scratches and bruises as they fought off Casford.

Five months later, Casford was sentenced to two years and seven months in jail.

Casford had intended to capture one of the small primates to take home to his girlfriend but was unsuccessf­ul.

At his sentencing, Wellington District Court judge Bill Hastings said: ‘‘I don’t know what happened in the enclosure. You know and the squirrel monkeys know, but I don’t speak squirrel [monkey]’’.

Casford had risked the death of one of the monkeys if he had managed to catch one, as well as a biohazard if any monkeys had been let loose, Hastings said.

At the time, the zoo’s team leader of primates, Harmony Neale, said squirrel monkeys were feisty. ‘‘Their best weapon is their teeth. But they’re wriggly and can turn in on themselves. They’re very quick.’’

 ??  ?? A baby squirrel monkey was born at Wellington Zoo yesterday.
A baby squirrel monkey was born at Wellington Zoo yesterday.

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