The Timaru Herald

Gems of wisdom that are tried and tested


Are you surviving or shrivellin­g? I have been basking in the sun and enjoying the odd forty winks in my shady swing seat.

Being a senior citizen does have a few perks attached. For starters we don’t have to compete in the working world. Mind you, it is also true the working world would consider us past our use-by date. Talents we once possessed are not up to the standard required for today’s technology.

But, and it is a wonderful but, it means we have the precious gift of freedom. The days are ours to do with as we please.

These hot days I have changed my routine. I have gone back to my early morning walks as I feel much more alert early in the day.

This morning on my walk I found some pretty salmon-pink poppies growing in the wild.

These bright, cheery poppies are now adorning my kitchen table.

I think they come from the Iceland poppy family so I have burnt the end of their stems to prolong their indoor life in water. I will see if it works.

Perhaps some of you still use that technique and can tell me: Is it a proven success or just another of my quirky ideas?

These days I am not hesitant about voicing some of my ancient knowledge. We are bombarded by online opinions about what to do, whether it is the latest food fad or tactics for slowing the ageing process. Most are confusing and contradict each other so I have no compulsion about throwing my penny’s worth into the circuit.

After all is said and done, most of my ideas are tried, tested and proved to be winners. Us oldies do have gems of wisdom to offer – it is important to make them known before we forget them.

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