The Timaru Herald

Firefighte­rs hope rain will see an end to fire

- Joanne Holden

With about 10 millimetre­s of rain forecast to drop on Burkes Pass tomorrow, firefighte­rs are hopeful their battle against a 100-hectare fire will soon be over.

Mackenzie District Council spokesman Chris Clarke said the rainfall is expected to finish off the fire which began at 4am on Friday.

The fire has killed more than 500 lambs and razed an 125-yearold building, 7.5 hectares of forestry, and 78 hectares of tussock.

‘‘They [firefighte­rs] will certainly have a presence until there is no danger. But because the fire is well-contained, we’ve just been leaving a couple of crews to monitor it,’’ Clarke said.

Extra water was sent in to keep about 50 Fire and Emergency New Zealand personnel on the ground in heat approachin­g 30 degrees yesterday, he said.

‘‘Objectives are to strengthen containmen­t around a forestry plantation by extending the perimeter control line from 30 metres to 50m, and to dampen hotspots in willow trees along the river.’’

Clarke said because of dry conditions across South Canterbury, with 34C forecast for Timaru today, people needed to ‘‘stay away from doing anything that creates sparks’’ or else risk stretching emergency resources.

With gusts of up to 70kmh battering the area, wind was also a ‘‘significan­t factor’’ in keeping the fire under control.

‘‘Personnel on site are actively monitoring the evolving weather patterns,’’ Clarke said.

However, wind forecast to reach 120kmh overnight Saturday turned out to be ‘‘not as bad as it could have been’’.

‘‘There was a little bit of a flare-up within the containmen­t area, but that was it.’’

Clarke said the fire posed ‘‘no current risk to life or property’’.

The speed limit for SH8 through the area remains at 30kmh.

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