The Timaru Herald

Bartender, cop assaulted

- Joanne Holden

A Timaru man assaulted a bartender and a police officer after he was asked to leave a bar.

Kent Nicholson, 46, and an associate had refused requests to leave Hector Black’s when their intoxicati­on became an issue.

Their behaviour turned aggressive towards bar staff, to the point patrons tried to intervene and police were called, police prosecutor Toaiva Hitila told the Timaru District Court on Tuesday.

Nicolson pleaded guilty to assault and two counts of resisting police when he appeared before Judge Joanna Maze.

The incident started at the Stafford St bar and continued at the police station on February 7.

Nicolson attacked a bartender who was attempting to coax him and his associate out the door, grabbing her in a headlock from behind and ‘‘causing discomfort to her breathing’’, Hitila said.

‘‘When police arrived, the defendant was verbally aggressive towards police. While being arrested, the defendant pulled away from police and necessary force was used to restrain him.’’

Nicolson refused to co-operate after he was taken back to the station, resisting their efforts to move him into a cell.

‘‘The defendant grabbed [a constable’s] neck and pulled him to the ground, before being restrained by other staff,’’ Hitila said. ‘‘The defendant declined to comment.’’ Judge Maze convicted Nicolson and remanded him on bail for sentencing on July 28, ordering restorativ­e justice to be explored.

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