The Timaru Herald

Sled dogs fast foot it in province

- Esther Ashby-Coventry

Dogs barked and pre-schoolers, as young as two, smiled with glee as they helped steer bikes and rigs towards the finish line in the Southern Region Sled Dog Club races held in South Canterbury over the weekend.

Thirty mushers and their canines from around the country competed at Levels Raceway’s grass car park area on Saturday morning and at Pleasant Point Domain in the afternoon, before returning to Levels to race again yesterday. Club president Shirley Burt said there were 77 bibs, which she explained each had a number on to identify the dog wearing it but some raced more than once.

Mushers are pulled by the dogs on a push scooter (up to two dogs), bicycle or three-wheeler rig (two to six dogs). The races are two kilometres long and judged on fastest time with winners receiving medals.

The children will mush with an adult and compete over 350 metres until they are about six then they race on their own, Burt said.

Types of dogs used are huskies, German short haired pointers, border collies and crossbreed­s. They don’t race until they are aged one, she said.

Race season is in winter so it is cool for the dogs and the club members race every two weeks. This year the season will finish slightly later because of Covid-19 delaying the start.

There are more than 10 sled clubs around the country, she said.

‘‘It’s a great family sport with great friendship­s ... It’s social – gathering with your winter family,’’ musher Christy Potter, of Westport, said.

Angela Clark, of Dunedin, has been mushing for six years and raced with her three-year-old daughter Santia Throp on a bicycle pulled by their two huskies Shiva and Zephyr.

‘‘Getting a husky was a lifelong dream ... They’re very energetic and need good mental and physical stimulatio­n,’’ Clark said. She said last year Santia raced on a rig with her mum, but now she has better balance they are using the two-wheeler.

‘‘It’s a great way to have fun with your dog. It’s a lovely bonding experience,’’ Clark said.

 ?? JOHN BISSET/STUFF ?? Santia Throp, 3 races with her mum, Angela Clark on their bike pulled by huskies, Shiva and Zephyr.
JOHN BISSET/STUFF Santia Throp, 3 races with her mum, Angela Clark on their bike pulled by huskies, Shiva and Zephyr.

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