The Timaru Herald

How NZ Rugby would rank on sharemarke­t

- Rob Stock

The entity set up to control the commercial interests of New Zealand Rugby is so valuable, it would be a shoo-in for the NZX 50 Index of leading companies on the NZX sharemarke­t.

It would be worth about 10 times more than broadcaste­r Sky Television, from which it earns some of its revenue.

New Zealand Rugby is progressin­g with a deal to sell 12.5 per cent of a newly-created entity called Commercial LP, which would control its commercial interests, including the All Blacks. The deal, which has not yet been finalised, would result in United States-based private equity firm Silver Lake paying $387.5 million for its stake, implying the value of Commercial LP would be about $3.1 billion.

In total, the companies with shares listed on the NZX sharemarke­t are worth just over $186b, but Commercial LP would be among the larger companies.

There is no indication mum and dad investors, or their

KiwiSaver funds, would ever get the chance to take a stake in the company, though private equity firms sometimes exit their investment­s through an initial public offering on sharemarke­ts.

Commercial LP would still be dwarfed by the largest NZX-listed companies, which include some big banks, which have their shares dual-listed on the NZX and the Australian ASX sharemarke­ts. The current market value of ANZ is $88.5b. Westpac is worth just over $99b.

Commercial LP would also not rival telecommun­ications company Spark for size at $8.3b, or Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, which has seen the Covid-19 pandemic drive demand for its ventilator­s and shares, resulting in a market value of $20.7b.

Retirement home operator Ryman at just under $7b, Contact Energy at $5.9b and Fletcher Building at $5.8b are also worth considerab­ly more.

But there are many highprofil­e companies listed in the NZX 50 with market capitalisa­tions, or values, in the ball-park of Commercial LP. Internet infrastruc­ture company Chorus is worth $3b, and Genesis Energy $3.5b.

Commercial LP would be more valuable than some of the wellknown NZX-listed companies including Kiwi Property Group, which owns shopping centres, valued at $2b and Z Energy, valued at $1.3b.

New Zealand Rugby’s 2020 annual report shows it had a total income of $138.3m for the year, including $51.8m from broadcast rights and $59.3m from sponsorshi­p and licensing. That was down from $187.1m the previous year, though the drop was not as steep as the board had expected when the Covid-19 pandemic arrived.

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