The Timaru Herald

Hipkins: Nats’ plan is ‘Covid for Christmas’

- Henry Cooke

The National Party’s reopening plan would see many travellers skipping managed isolation once the country fully vaccinated more than 85 per cent of the 12+ population, with the country moving from an eliminatio­n strategy to aggressive suppressio­n.

Fully vaccinated travellers would be able to skip any isolation if travelling from a low-risk location like Brisbane, or isolate at home for seven days if coming from a mediumrisk country like Britain or the United States.

Non-vaccinated travellers would be completely banned from New Zealand, unless they were citizens or residents – who would still have to go through 14 days of managed isolation and quarantine.

The Government has responded to the plan by saying it consists of ideas it is already pursuing – but National’s plan would be at an irresponsi­bly risky pace.

‘‘The biggest promise they are making at the moment is they are willing for Kiwis to get Covid for Christmas,’’ Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said.

He said National’s plan could see hundreds of thousands of people coming into the country every month and many of them would have Covid-19 even if vaccinated.

The plan was launched by National Party leader Judith Collins yesterday. It would also see nationwide lockdowns end when 70-75 per cent of the 12+ population was vaccinated.

It would also see health capacity boosted, more efforts put into getting the vaccinatio­n rate up, greater use of saliva and rapid testing, and a new agency created to deal with Covid-19 – based in South Auckland rather than Wellington.

The party would also instruct Immigratio­n NZ to clear the visa backlog and process more skilled migrant visas to help staff the healthcare system. ‘‘New Zealand started the year in a good position but the slowest vaccine roll-out in the developed world for most of this year and a lack of planning meant we were forced into a long lockdown in August and September, one that is still ongoing in Auckland,’’ Collins said. ‘‘The plan outlines 10 steps we need to take, such as supercharg­ing the vaccine rollout, buying vaccine boosters and next-generation treatments, using saliva testing and rapid antigen tests, and building purpose-built quarantine. This would allow Kiwis to come home for Christmas – or leave the country for the new year.’’

 ?? ?? Judith Collins
Judith Collins

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