The TV Guide



If you are a true Taurus, the chances are that material prosperity will top your wish list for the year ahead. Fortunatel­y, go-getting Mars will enter your money horoscope this week, which will push you to chase your financial goals. Keep your long-term plans realistic.

Energetic Mars moves into your sign, which is right up the street of a Gemini who needs a lot of oomph to cope with a busy schedule. It is a week where you can achieve a lot. However, with Mercury still moving backwards, it is vital for you to recharge batteries.

If you are a true Cancer, your home and family life is probably your main source of joy. It is also your safety net and top priority. However, it is a week to make time for your friends, too. Among them you may find a lonely heart who will be in need of a sympatheti­c ear.

The sun, lighting up your profession­al horoscope, is playing right into the hands of a Leo who likes to shine. Whether you want to take on a leadership position in society or further your career, you are in a favourable position to display your talents and gain recognitio­n.

The sun is in a compatible earth sign, which will make it easier than usual to function in the material world. This should be a welcome thought, especially with Mercury still moving backwards, potentiall­y causing a hiccup or two. Practical solutions will go a long way.

With Venus moving forwards again, life will probably take a turn for the better, especially if you have been a bit out of sync of late. It will probably be easier than usual to find a healthy balance between work and play. Relationsh­ips should be more on an even keel.

Romance is in the air and, with Venus resuming her forward motion, capturing a person’s heart should be plain sailing. Everything has a price, though. You may have to dig deep in your pocket to win this person’s affections, whether with flowers or wining and dining.

Feisty Mars moves into your love horoscope this week, which is likely to add some spice to your love life. Your partner may be an inspiratio­nal force in your life and shared adventures can bring joy, but you may have to tame your restless nature and commit yourself.

The sun is settling into a compatible earth sign, which will play right into the hands of a Capricorn who likes to be successful in the material world. Even though Mercury is still retrograde, your cautious nature is likely to steer you through an upcoming pitfall or two.

Competitiv­e Mars moves into a compatible air sign, which will fire up your fighting spirit and is set to fuel your self-will. Talkative Mercury is still scrambling backwards, though. Therefore, it is wise to take care with words, especially if you have a tactless streak.

Artistic Venus has resumed her forwards motion in your sign, which is good news for a Pisces who likes to give vent to creative impulses. You may also find that your social life is picking up. If your love life has been a bit disappoint­ing, even that should have a rosier shine.

Mercury reverses back into your sign this week, which will be for better or for worse. This may be right up the alley of an Aries who likes to come up with a quick answer. However, because misunderst­andings are rife, shooting from the hip may land you in hot water.

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