The TV Guide

The legend of King Arthur lives on


These letters are in response to an editorial by Julie Eley asking readers for their favourite movie or TV show about King Arthur. After a random draw, Brenda McEwan of Auckland wins the six-month subscripti­on to TV Guide.

My all-time favourite tale of King Arthur has to be the 1981 film Excalibur. So long ago but for me and my late husband it had everything. The soundtrack set the scenes so brilliantl­y. We recorded it on the old VHS video – cannot tell how many times we watched this wonderful film until our tape gave up after many years of enjoyment. Now that is one film I would love to see repeated on TV. Brenda McEwan (Auckland)

I loved the movie Camelot with Vanessa Redgrave and Richard Harris. It was so romantic and I can still picture Guinevere being tossed in the air from a blanket by all the knights. The song How To Handle A Woman sung by Richard Harris was beautiful. My dad bought me the book The Once And Future King and I still cherish it. Lorraine Mackenzie (Christchur­ch)

Imagine my utter amazement and absolute joy to see that The Winter King is on our screens (TVNZ Duke). In the world of coincidenc­es I am at the moment reading the third book in this Bernard Cornwell series. I just can’t remember a time when my life wasn’t sprinkled with the legend of King Arthur. My bookcase houses more than just a few children’s, adult and factual books collected over the years, not to mention a healthy supply of King Arthur DVDs too. However much I love re-watching the TV series Merlin or Camelot or the movie Mists Of Avalon, my favourite movie of King Arthur is the one that I can play in my mind and imaginatio­n. My love and fascinatio­n of King Arthur and the world of Camelot inspired me to follow in one of the versions of the legend’s footsteps – a visit to Cornwall, England and staying in the Camelot Castle Hotel located on the cliff that overlooks the ruins of Tintagel Castle, the birthplace of King Arthur. I have scenes from my very own incredible movie of King Arthur that reside in my imaginatio­n and heart. I am so looking forward to checking out The Winter King and seeing another interpreta­tion of the enduring King Arthur story. Stephanie Inglis (Mt Maunganui)

My favourite movie about King Arthur is Camelot, the 1967 musical/fantasy/drama based on T.H. White’s book The Once And Future King with Richard Harris and Vanessa Redgrave. It was a beautiful and hugely entertaini­ng extravagan­za. They don’t make them like that any more, more’s the pity. D. Davidson (Auckland)

Sean Connery was my all-time favourite actor so I would choose First Knight (1995) as my best King Arthur movie. Sean Connery was wonderful, as always, as King Arthur and I thought Richard Gere and Julia Ormond were good too. Many critics didn’t like this movie, but I loved it. Jane (Auckland)

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