The TV Guide

Mind your language, please


I agree with ‘Clean Sweep’ Dunedin. An old saying my Mother would use is: “Any fool can swear, it takes a man/ woman, to control their tongue.” Just for the record, I learnt, many years ago (at church) that a lot of swear words originated from religious blessings. I could be wrong, but people who say ‘bloody’ – it started as “By the Lady Mary”, and said quickly.

PTD (Waiheke island)

I totally agree with Gail (Feilding) TV Guide April 27th – May 3rd and her comments regarding the language used by Guy Williams and the majority of so called comedians, not only in NZ but worldwide. If programmes need to be cut, surely these types of disgusting shows should be axed before the informativ­e programmes like Fair Go and Sunday. Surely these two shows rate more highly than most (if not all) of these types of ‘comedies’. If we have to have such trash on our screens, why doesn’t the censor ban these types of programmes until much later at night when young, impression­able children are usually in bed. By accepting these types of shows being shown when kids can watch, are we saying this is ‘normal’ in today’s society? That being the case, then no wonder our country is in such a rapid moral decline. I am thankful we have Sky and can watch other informativ­e, nofoul-language shows.

Ray (Rangiora)

Why, oh why, do the copycat versions of programmes like 1% Club have hosts that are loud and crude? The Australian version is obnoxious. It was by accident that I saw a small section of the programme and promptly switched channels, a small section was more than enough. Please, don’t buy these programmes, use your money for something useful like decent drama.

Barbara (Albany)

 ?? ?? Guy Williams
Guy Williams

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