Upper Hutt Leader

Weight control: Just move more

Man enters not guilty plea after fatal tomahawk attack


Tracy Heron doesn’t understand why people drive in circles around supermarke­t carparks, desperate to get the closest park.

The fitness manager at Lifestyle Gym just can’t see the harm in walking an extra 20 to 30 metres from the car to shop.

Having been a group and personal trainer for more than 25 years, Heron has seen a lot of people coming through the gym’s doors wanting to lose weight.

She said no matter what a person’s goals were, they wouldn’t make progress unless they were determined to make the necessary changes to their bad habits.

‘‘The psychology of it is really quite interestin­g,’’ Heron said.

‘‘Even when people are told to do something, the motivation really needs to come from within.’’

There were a range of factors that held people back from reaching their fitness goals, Heron said.

The most common ones were An August trial date is likely for a man charged with murder after a tomahawk attack in Upper Hutt in December.

Retimana Te Koruo Nicholls, around work or family stress and a lack of sleep.

Having enough sleep for the body to repair itself after workouts was critical, Heron said.

But the biggest excuse was almost always around time.

‘‘I find the time excuses really frustratin­g. It’s just a barrier that people put up, just another excuse.

‘‘We’re open here from 5.30am until 9pm. We’re all busy people too.

‘‘ I find that early morning people really do well.

‘‘To get results you need to take that 30 minutes out from lunch, or before work, or after. But you need to do it.’’

Heron said people could make significan­t in-roads when they tweaked their diet as well as exercising.

‘‘I’m no saint – I drink wine, eat chocolate and have ice cream in the freezer. The problem is a lack of activity and the crap food together.’’

Heron said people wanting to get fitter and lose weight didn’t 36, has pleaded not guilty to murdering Sandra Guerin, injuring Kane Love and Thomas Guerin with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, and need to join a gym to make good initial progress.

‘‘They just need to move more every day.

‘‘They need to walk more ... Instead of double parking outside their kids’ school, they should park further away or they could get off the bus a stop earlier.’’

Heron said those who did decide to go to a gym would need to mix up cardio activities such as rowing machines, cross- trainers and treadmills with resistance training activities such as weights.

Heron said people could find plenty of resistance training programmes online, but there was a catch — people could easily make mistakes.

‘‘I’d really rather people got it right at the gym first,’’ she said.

‘‘People need to be doing things safely.’’

Another thing to be avoided was becoming gym-obsessed.

‘‘You don’t need more than 45 minutes in the gym unless you’re in a yoga class. Not everything should be rip, s... or bust.’’ assaulting Diane Misa.

He has been remanded in custody until May for another callover in the High Court at Wellington.

Reports from two doctors had been put before Justice Simon France who is to make a decision on Nicholls’ fitness to stand trial.

Police found Guerin dead from axe injuries when they arrived at a house in Blueberry Grove, Timberlea, north of Wellington, at 8.45pm on December 11.

 ??  ?? Tracy Heron says the determinat­ion to lose weight needs to come from within.
Tracy Heron says the determinat­ion to lose weight needs to come from within.
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