Upper Hutt Leader

Police increase city patrols


Increased crime and the perceived inability of police to deal with known young offenders has Upper Hutt residents feeling unsafe, powerless and angry.

Burglaries, car break-ins, vandalism and instances of intimidati­on have been cited on Facebook by locals who claim uncontroll­ed teenagers roam some suburbs, and Wallacevil­le’s Martin St, in particular into the early morning and often carrying baseball bats.

With the Lois Tolley murder still unresolved, Upper Hutt is described as a community ‘‘on edge’’ and saddled by police ‘‘seemingly doing nothing,’’ the posts say.

In response, city councillor Angela McLeod is calling on residents to speak up about the problem at the first council meeting of the year on February 1.

Hutt Valley police acknowledg­e an increase in crime over the holiday period

‘‘We understand the com- munity’s concern and have been taking steps to be more visible in the community,’’ acting Hutt Valley Area Commander Tracey Thompson said.

Patrols in the city have increased and Wellington police’s mobile base will be in central Upper Hutt for people to discuss any concerns with officers.

Late last year Hutt Valley police arrested and charged several males, aged between 14 and 18, for burglary and car theft. The main offences were in Totara Park while Elderslea and the CBD were also targeted areas.

They are being dealt with through the Courts and Youth Aid, police said.

Police do not want residents feeling unsafe and it was important they were talking to police, Thompson said.

An arrest made several days ago was the result of someone in the community reporting suspicious behaviour, she said.

The Facebook comments also included incidents about bullying from a group of young females and increased tagging including at a new playground at Trentham Memorial Playground and Upper Hutt Primary School.

‘‘Some of these issues are policing ones which isn’t helped by the lack of resources but the council needs to know about it, how people are feeling,’’ McLeod said of her online call for people to speak up.

‘‘I certainly don’t have all the answers but maybe someone will, so they should speak up in the public forums at our meeting.’’

Lois Tolley murder motive still mystery, page 5

 ?? PHOTO: COLIN WILLIAMS/FAIRFAX MEDIA ?? City councillor Angela McLeod Constable Nat Cooper and the Mobile Police Base at Upper Hutt’s Maidstone Park.
PHOTO: COLIN WILLIAMS/FAIRFAX MEDIA City councillor Angela McLeod Constable Nat Cooper and the Mobile Police Base at Upper Hutt’s Maidstone Park.

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