Hauraki-Coromandel Post

Health and safety highlighte­d at talk


Jim Pope from Hauraki Safety & HR addressed the October meeting of the Waihi Business Breakfast Network.

Jim highlighte­d prosecutio­n decisions that meant companies were fined on average $350,000 for not having fully managed safety. He said fines aimed to hurt a business, but not put them out of business. Considerat­ion is given to voluntary reparation, but the court can award further compensati­on if necessary.

“Employers need to identify safety risks, and assure themselves that controls are effective, and once implemente­d must be monitored regularly,” said Jim. “Importantl­y employers need to inform workers of safety risks and controls. They must ensure workers are competent and understand their obligation­s before letting them loose on a job and around machinery,” he said.

He said cases identified the need for employers to have a current health and safety system to meet legal obligation­s.

“You can’t legislate for stupidity, and WorkSafe do take a realistic approach. If employers are managing safety risk ‘so far as is reasonably practicabl­e’ (the legal standard) and something still happens, that is considered.”

Jim has clients throughout the Hauraki — Coromandel area and can be contacted on 027 278 2335 or haurakisaf­etyandhr.co.nz

■ The Waihi Business Breakfast Network Group meets at Eaten Cafe´ on the second Thursday of every month. Phone Graham Hawkes 02139512.2.

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