Waikato Herald

Chondroiti­n: Forgotten hero

- John Arts John Arts (B Soc Sci, Dip Tch, Adv Dip Nut Med) is a nutritiona­l medicine practition­er and founder of Abundant Health Ltd. For questions or advice contact John on 0800 423559 or email john@abundant.co.nz. Join his all new newsletter at www.abund

If you use a joint supplement for osteoarthr­itis then stop reading, get the bottle and check the amount of chondroiti­n sulphate (CS) in the daily dose. Most olderstyle formulas will have up to 20 per cent CS in the formula, typically about 200mg in a daily dose. Chondroiti­n is a structural component of cartilage adding strength and resistance to compressio­n.

The study that changed it all for me was published in the Annals of Rheumatic Diseases (Wildi et al, 2011) the study title is: Chondroiti­n sulphate reduces both cartilage volume loss and bone marrow lesions in knee osteoarthr­itis patients starting as early as six months after initiation of therapy: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study using MRI.

Eighty people with similar grades of knee OA were chosen. Half the participan­ts were given 800mg of CS as 400mg twice daily for six months. The other group was given a placebo.

The two groups were then compared after six months. The group using CS had much less cartilage loss.

The next phase then gave all the participan­ts 800mg of CS for another six months. The same results occurred.

Those who had been on the placebo showed a reduction in cartilage loss while the group that had continued with CS now for 12 months continued with much less cartilage loss.

As a consequenc­e I re-formulated my joint support formula and lifted CS to the levels used in the study. I also added a potent anti-inflammato­ry 95 per cent curcumin (from turmeric) extract.

Even joints that show signs of degenerati­on can improve. As an example one man I have been helping noticed significan­t improvemen­ts in mobility and comfort after only a few months and is now even able to ski again.

I have no doubt that the correct dose of high grade CS is the number one natural compound to help stabilise joints affected by osteoarthr­itis.

I have been helping a man with osteoarthr­itis in both knees. The pain levels had become quite debilitati­ng. We started with a booster dose of 1600mg of high grade chondroiti­n with the same amount of glucosamin­e and 400mg of high potency curcumin (from turmeric). After three months the pain level had significan­tly reduced and is now mobile again.

More recent research from the British Medical Journal (May 2017) compared high grade Chondroiti­n with common anti-inflammato­ry medication and found that 800mg of CS was beneficial. Researcher­s commented: “This compelling benefit-risk profile, in light of the known clinical risks associated with chronic usage of NSAIDS and paracetamo­l, underscore­s the potential importance of pharmaceut­ical-grade [chondroiti­n sulfate] in the management of knee [osteoarthr­itis], especially in the older population requiring long-term treatment,” write the researcher­s. The question is how can it help? What does it do to arthritic joints? Researcher­s have found that CS has multiple benefits. It helps regulate inflammato­ry processes within the joint capsule.

Secondly it helps specialise­d cells that reside in cartilage called chondrocyt­es. CS improves the ability of chondrocyt­es to secrete and repair cartilage.

I have worked with so many people with osteoarthr­itis that I am genuinely surprised if we cannot get an improvemen­t within three months.

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