Waikato Times


Elder abuse highlighte­d

- Nicola Brennan-tupara Care bed costs in Hamilton: Rest home ......................................... $105.91 Dementia .......................................... $142.34 Hospital ............................................ $179.37 Psycho-geriatric ......

Elder abuse is predicted to reach boiling point as the cost of caring for the elderly increases with our aging population.

Recently one Waikato rest home manager was told by an adult child of one of their clients to stop feeding their mother so much because they were ‘‘delaying my inheritanc­e’’, Agewise strategic advisory chairwoman Professor Peggy Koopman-boyden told a Waikato District Health Board disability advisory meeting yesterday.

‘‘This is an example of financial abuse of the elderly,’’ Prof KoopmanBoy­den said.

She wanted elder abuse to be on the radar as much as other family violence and abuse – and better documented.

Age Concern was not surprised to hear about the inheritanc­e comment when contacted by the Times yesterday.

‘‘We have heard it before,’’ chief executive Anne Martin said. ‘‘It’s appalling.’’

Mrs Martin said they were dealing with two people a day who had suffered some form of elder abuse – and that was just the ones with the courage to come forward.

She predicted the situation would get only worse as the population aged and the cost of caring for the elderly increased.

It costs about $105 a day for a bed in a Hamilton rest home – but can be about $200 a day for high-need care.

Mrs Martin said she had also heard of family members not buying medication­s for their parents because it cost too much.

‘‘We are very concerned about elderly abuse rising.’’

The trouble was elder abuse was often hidden because it was a family member, or someone in a position of trust, who was perpetrati­ng it.

That meant victims were less likely to come forward, she said.

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