Waikato Times

Mckellen tours country for a chat for theatre rescue

- Steve Scott is on stage at Hamilton’s Clarence St Theatre on Saturday.

British actor Sir Ian Mckellen is downing his pointy hat and travelling the Middle Earth of New Zealand to raise funds for the repair of the Isaac Theatre Royal in Christchur­ch.

In 2010, Mckellen (who played Gandalf in Lord Of The Rings), performed as Estragon in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting For Godot at the theatre, which was badly damaged in last year’s earthquake­s.

His travelling show, Ian Mckellen On Stage – with Shakespear­e, Tolkien and You, includes a performanc­e in Hamilton on Saturday at the Clarence St Theatre.

Mckellen feels a close associatio­n with Christchur­ch and its theatre and says he’s devastated at the condition of the city.

‘‘I was allowed to go into the centre of Christchur­ch, into the red zone where locals have not been allowed, and it is a very curious atmosphere,’’ he says.

‘‘There are no people walking around and it is devastatio­n wherever you look. It is very bewilderin­g. Then you come across a building like the Isaac Theatre Royal, which clearly needs help. It is rescuable and can then remain a memory of what the city used to look like.’’

While he’s one of Britain’s most acclaimed actors, he says the show will have a real Kiwi flavour.

‘‘I have done quite a few solo shows in the past, one about Shakespear­e, one about being gay, but this one is very much in response to the times, it will be a real Kiwi effort where the focus is on spontaneit­y.’’

Mckellen wants to have fun and says if punters want to ask about a specific play, role or anything they just need to shout out.

‘‘I will do a bit of acting, including Shakespear­e, Lord Of The Rings and I will talk about anything anybody wants to know.’’

Mckellen’s first real break on to the big screen was his lead role in Richard III in 1995.

Offer roles followed and Mckellen has featured in a host of movies, including The Da Vinci Code, Lord Of The Rings and X-men: The Movie.

‘‘I am a very lucky guy at this end of my life to suddenly discover those wonderful parts to play.’’

Whether acting in films or performing in theatre, Mckellen says it is all about discipline.

‘‘And what separates the difference­s in discipline is the level of intensity with which you deliver a performanc­e. Obviously, something that would be appropriat­e for Clarence St Theatre in Hamilton would not necessaril­y be appropriat­e in front of a movie camera in Wellington. It’s all the same really but I do like the technique of acting, it intrigues me. And I still like to keep in touch with theatre because I miss it, so it will be good for me to get up on the stage and live by my wits for a bit on this tour around New Zealand.’’

Even at 73 years of age, you get the impression that will be a doddle for the veteran performer.

 ??  ?? Sir Ian Mckellen: Helping Christchur­ch.
Sir Ian Mckellen: Helping Christchur­ch.

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