Waikato Times



‘‘The United States will work with the internatio­nal community to intensify our pressure on Assad and his cronies, whose rule by murder and fear must come to an end . . . We stand in solidarity with the Syrian people and the peaceful marchers in cities across Syria who have taken to the streets to denounce the massacre in Houla.’’ – Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State.

‘‘Unless the UN Security Council takes urgent steps for the protection of civilians, Annan’s plan is going to go to hell.’’ – Free Syrian Army.

‘‘A heinous act perpetrate­d by the Syrian regime against its own civilian population. The internatio­nal community must demand an end to bloodshed.’’ – Baroness Ashton of Upholland, EU foreign policy chief.

‘‘Escalating military action in Syria will end up leading to a civil war in Syria, which no-one wants to see.’’ – Nabil Elaraby, secretaryg­eneral of the Arab League.

‘‘This indiscrimi­nate killing must stop now. The world cannot sit back and allow this to happen.’’ – Justin Forsyth, Save the Children.

‘‘The scenes of savagery that we have seen on our television screens are revolting, stomach-churning.’’ – Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister.

‘‘Our Arab and Islamic ethics do not allow this criminal mass killing and we must . . . intervene to protect the innocents in Syria. The targeting of the civilians signifies the tragic failure of our collective Arab and internatio­nal efforts to put an end to the violence.’’ – Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-nahyan, UAE Foreign Minister.

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