Waikato Times

Ways to reward top teachers


After watching TV3 and hearing proposals for rewarding exceptiona­l teachers, I had a few thoughts. As increasing their pay would be bad for the way the staff work together, I would like to suggest more acceptable options for spending to reward the top teachers.

Pay them extra to mentor developing teachers a few hours a week in school time.

Also, offer profession­al developmen­t opportunit­ies of their choice.

Ask them what they would like: eg, a teacher’s aide, equipment, materials on which such teachers often spend their own money.

These are forms of recognitio­n of their superior contributi­on to learning and they are more likely to feel rewarded and stay in the profession.

Instead of envy, there would be flow-on among other staff. JUNE BRIGHT Te Awamutu openly oppose God’s laws by supporting gay marriages. Their stand on this subject implies that they are wiser than God. Surely as Christians and believers that the Bible is the word of God we cannot support these so-called leaders.

The Lord tells us that it is an abominatio­n (Leviticus 18:22). There are many other scriptures in the Old Testament and New Testament that condemn same-sex relationsh­ips.

History records that when men oppose God’s laws, there are terrible consequenc­es.

Having voted for John Key not knowing he favoured laws contrary to God’s teachings, I will never vote for him again and hope all others who accept the Bible as the word of God do likewise. JOHN WILLIAMS Hamilton

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