Waikato Times

Quota looms as test of Shearer’s leadership capabiliti­es

- Tracy Watkins Fairfax NZ

instinct for survival, very bloody.

The proposal is set to pitch David Shearer against the party’s ruling council, which is championin­g the quota in direct opposition to the Labour leader’s platform of relieving the party of its ‘‘too PC’’ label.

Mr Shearer took the leadership vowing to stamp his authority on the party’s list ranking and MP selection process, which has long rankled with the Right-wing faction of the party as pandering to too many special interest groups. When West CoastTasma­n MP Damien O’Connor lambasted Labour’s list as ‘‘a gaggle of gays and self-serving unionists’’, he was speaking for that faction.

However, far from Mr Shearer tempering the list selection process, it looks as if the Left wing of the party intends to assert its authority over him. No wonder then that Mr Shearer’s initial response yesterday was to duck for cover. To come out swinging too loudly would turn it into a test of his leadership.

And with the caucus looking increasing­ly distant from many of the rank and file, there is no guarantee it is an argument he would win.

The party is still licking its wounds from last year’s annual conference, where there was fractious debate over the process for deciding the leadership and a push for female quotas on local electorate committees.

After seeing which way the wind was blowing, Mr Shearer appeared ready to come out and oppose the socalled ‘‘man ban’’. But that is a fight that can only go one of two ways – it will either strengthen his leadership or weaken it.

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