Waikato Times

Feeling guilty


I viewed the awesome TV3 programme regarding the demise of our honey bee and couldn’t help feeling guilty.

I have sprayed many thistles, ragwort, blackberry bushes and gorse clumps and thought nothing of this little creature going about its daily chores. My guess is I am not the only one.

Unfortunat­ely extinction is becoming an all too familiar concept.

There is another very important being going down the same track as the humble bee – our farmer! Every year has witnessed a steady decline in their numbers. They, like the bee, are being treated as second rate citizens. They have to harvest food from poorer and poorer land and in more extreme climactic conditions.

Remember we owe them our lives too, just like the honey bee. They work hand in hand to deliver us food.

Quote: You need a doctor, a lawyer, a policeman and a preacher once in your life but every day, three times a day, you need a farmer – Brenda Schoepp. JANETTE PERRETT Te Awamutu through. NZ Post is just getting slower and slower but charging more. I think DX Mail should just take over delivering mail – at least it gets here by 9am most days. Jim Bolger needs sacking from his position. So does John Key. WJ WILSON Hamilton quakes, so it will be with the ‘‘supercell’’ tornadoes – we could lose many children, as we let them go ‘‘Over the Rainbow’’ in our blindness to the inherent danger in this nation!

Yes, the ‘‘Abominatio­n of Desolation’’ is imminent! GLYWN MCINNES Hamilton

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