Waikato Times

Shopping giveaway ‘harming children’, says Morgan

- Tom Hunt fax NZ Fair-

Gareth Morgan has thrown his weight behind claims that supermarke­t chain New World is ‘‘brainwashi­ng’’ children with its Little Shop toys.

But the company that owns the supermarke­ts says the collectabl­e miniature grocery items are educationa­l and, on the whole, promote healthy eating.

A post on Morgan’s website, written by his offsider Geoff Simmons, is headlined: ‘‘New World wants to turn your kids into mindless zombie consumers.’’

According to Simmons, New World is encouragin­g ‘‘pester power’’ with the collectibl­es.

Morgan promoted the post out to his almost 7500 Twitter followers with the message: ‘‘You should be outraged over how New World is brainwashi­ng kids.’’

Morgan then wrote a post yesterday, attacking New World’s response.

‘‘Let’s have a look at the facts. Of the 50 [sic] items in the Little Shop, 34 are edible (I wouldn’t grace them with the word ‘food’). Of those, nine are clearly junk food, and another six are pretty borderline nutrition wise and would probably be classed as ‘sometimes food’.

‘‘If these are considered ‘occasional treats’, why are only half of them foods fit to be eaten everyday? Is Little Shop supposed to be representa­tive of our diet? If so it is a long way from Ministry of Health recommenda­tions.’’

Simmons wrote that the ‘‘tactic has long been used by fast food companies to lure in kids. Now it is being used as part of the war between the supermarke­t duopoly’’.

He said New World was cultivatin­g a taste for unhealthy food because many of the miniatures were high in sugar.

‘‘The problem is that, like most advertisin­g, only the companies that can afford it will take part. Those are the companies with bigger margins, which usually means they are selling highly processed food, stripped of nutrients and packed full of sugar, fat and salt.’’

Government­s had, through ‘‘weakkneed’’ self-regulation of food advertis-

Oscar Million, 4, pictured with some of the New World Little Shop collectabl­es. ing to children, allowed a loophole through which food companies could advertise directly to children, Simmons said, calling for a ban on ‘‘manipulati­ve junk food advertisin­g to kids’’.

But Foodstuffs spokeswoma­n Antoinette Shallue said when New World last had Little Shop items they were used to teach children about healthy eating, maths and other subjects.

‘‘This sort of positive play and education for children is a good thing and we are very proud of our Little Shop promotion.’’

She took exception to the claims about the nutritiona­l value of the items, saying they were ‘‘representa­tive of the everyday products our customers buy’’. This year they included fresh vegetables, fruit and meat.

There was also milk and cheese, which had health benefits.

‘‘[The post] has primarily pulled out products which we would consider either treats or occasional foods or to be used in small quantities, and we believe are not representa­tive of the overall product selection included in Little Shop.’’

Simmons cited a call from Otago University Wellington researcher­s earlier this year to ban ‘‘manipulati­ve junk food advertisin­g to children’’ in order too fight growing childhood obesity.

 ??  ?? Hot seller: Photo: Chris Skelton/Fairfax NZ
Hot seller: Photo: Chris Skelton/Fairfax NZ

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