Waikato Times

Who’s who after DirtyPolit­ics

Aimee Gulliver explains who is investigat­ing whom following publicatio­n of Nicky Hager’s DirtyPolit­ics.

- Fairfax NZ


Whaleoil blogger Cameron Slater has complained to police about alleged illegal hacking of his emails earlier this year, by the person who goes by the pseudonym Rawshark, and tweets from the Twitter username WhaleDump. The hacker provided Nicky Hager with copies of Slater’s correspond­ence with senior National Party members, including Judith Collins.

Inspector-General of Intelligen­ce and Security :

The inspector-general, Cheryl Gwyn, is investigat­ing allegation­s of a Security Intelligen­ce Service (SIS) document being declassifi­ed r to fasttrack an Official Informatio­n Act request by Slater. The hearings will be before the election. Former senior Key adviser Jason Ede – who Hager’s book, Dirty Politics, claimed had worked with Slater on smear campaigns – may also appear. Key would not confirm yesterday which of his staff had been summoned. The SIS documents were provided to Slater ahead of other media outlets, and emails from him at the time show he knew what was in the documents before they were released, and knew when they would be made available. The documents released were used to embarrass Phil Goff, when he was leader of the Labour Party. Goff believes the informatio­n could only have come from the SIS director Warren Tucker or from staff in the prime minister’s office.

Privacy Commission­er:

Slater has complained to the com- missioner about the PM’s office releasing an email of his which led to the resignatio­n of Judith Collins. The message said Collins was ‘‘gunning for’’ Serious Fraud Office head of the time, Adam Feeley. Collins was minister in charge of the SFO at the time.

ACC whistleblo­wer Bronwyn Pullar has laid a complaint with the commission­er against Collins. Dirty Politics alleges Collins leaked confidenti­al but false details about Pullar to Slater which he passed on to a friend.

The Green Party lodged a complaint over Collins leaking the name of public servant Simon Pleasants to Slater. Collins thought Pleasants was behind leaking informatio­n about Bill English’s housing allowance to the Labour Party. She emailed Pleasants’ name, job title, and phone numbers to Slater. He then posted about Pleasants on WhaleOil. Pleasants was vilified on the blog, and police became involved after he received death threats.

Quote of the Day

‘‘On the ground, pretty damn well.’’ John Key is feeling good about the National Party campaign thus far. That’s despite standing down a senior cabinet minister amid allegation­s she undermined her ministry chief executive, despite his staff being summoned to appear in front of the Inspector General for Intelligen­ce and Security investigat­ing whether SIS informatio­n was used for political gain , and despite an anonymous hacker threatenin­g to drip-feed more hacked emails.


‘‘Today’s news of the shootings in Ashburton is shocking and saddening. Our aroha and prayers to the family and friends of those affected.’’ – David Cunliffe. ‘‘My thoughts are with the people of Ashburton as events unfold down there.’’ – John Key. As news emerged of the tragic events in Ashburton yesterday, many jumped online to express their sadness. Both leaders expressed their condolence­s on Twitter.

What to watch out for

ThePress/ Stuff.co.nz Debate is tonight. It is the second major leaders’ debate and the only one held in the South Island. In 2011 it delivered the defining line of the campaign; Key’s ‘‘show me the money’’ to Phil Goff. Hosted by Press editor Joanna Norris and Fairfax political editor Tracy Watkins, the debate will be livestream­ed on Stuff.co.nz from 7pm. Fairfax NZ

 ??  ?? Nicky Hager
Nicky Hager

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