Waikato Times

National vigil over refugee quota


Candleligh­t vigils will take place across the country to urge the Government to boost an annual intake of refugees.

A quota was set at 750 in 1987 and has not increased, despite a population increase.

As millions of desperate families flee the Middle East and North Africa, seeking shelter in Europe, calls for New Zealand to do more have grown louder.

Earlier this week Immigratio­n Minister Michael Woodhouse said New Zealand would offer sanctuary to 750 refugees over the next 21⁄ years – 150 within the quota and 600 more as an emergency intake. But despite pressure from humanitari­an agencies, Opposition parties and the public, the Government won’t consider lifting the quota until a scheduled review next year.

This week

National MPs blocked a Green Party bill that would have raised the yearly intake to 1000.

Campaigner­s will gather nationwide at 6pm on Thursday to call for the allocation to be doubled, with major vigils planned for Parliament and Auckland’s War Memorial.

A moment’s silence will honour the 60 million currently displaced because of conflict, poverty and persecutio­n. And 750 candles will be lit ‘‘for the additional lives that could be saved’’ if the quota was boosted. Executive director at Amnesty Internatio­nal Grant Bayldon said the Government’s emergency package did not go far enough. ‘‘Amnesty Internatio­nal believes that if the Government is serious about addressing this issue and saving lives, then they should be asking how much, not how little, we can do to help refugees.

‘‘Doubling our refugee quota is the least we can do after 28 years without an increase,’’ he said.

More than 15,000 people have signed an online petition, ActionStat­ion’s national director Marianne Elliott said. She expects thousands to turn out at the vigils.

 ??  ?? Nationwide candleligh­t vigils are planned this week.
Nationwide candleligh­t vigils are planned this week.

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