Waikato Times

‘Say no to racism’


My sentiments exactly Dame Susan, so let us get rid of the Maori Party, Maori All Blacks, the Maori Council, Maori Broadcasti­ng, the Waitangi Tribunal, for Maori only, Maori Fisheries Council and a multitude of organisati­ons exclusivel­y for Maori. Is this not a sign of racism? If you regard it as an ethnicity matter then why are there not similar official organisati­ons for the other hundreds of ethnicitie­s in New Zealand?Your perception is illogicall­y selective. ‘‘He iwi tahi tatou.’’ Are we not all one people? New Zealanders.

The media, while willingly supporting the government contention that Maori are deserving of special and exclusive treatment, are willing to publish derisory comments on Don Brash and the Hobson’s Pledge Trust, but are reluctant to print contrary views that are of vital concern to the majority of New Zealanders. Views that aspire to support democracy. This media attitude disparages the concept of a fair, free and objective press.

Bryan Johnson


Society of Palliative Medicine, Palliative Care Nurses NZ Society Inc, etc, do or do not support assisted suicide/euthanasia.

Can you tell us if there is one organisati­on representi­ng the disabled in NZ that has made a submission to the parliament­ary health select committee in support of assisted suicide/euthanasia.

Can you tell us about the debacle in Tasmania where the euthanasia lobby quoted 80% of the population in favour to legalise euthanasia, and the result when politician­s realised they were fed a propaganda of omissions, and unsubstant­iated claims.

Can you tell us why you attack Narelle Henson’s opinions so aggressive­ly? Maybe you want to keep things simple because as people gain knowledge they become more likely to reject legalisati­on of the euthanasia law.

Mike Hopkins


The recent Horizon poll is simplistic. Euthanasia is complex and polls can be manipulate­d by choosing the wording to obtain the desired outcome.

Dr Havill’s definition of murder is incorrect. Section 167(a) of the Crimes Act 1961 defines ‘‘murder’’ as (among other situations) ‘‘if the offender means to cause the death of the person killed’’.

Everyone knows that safeguards can be eroded. Who would have thought that euthanasia could later be applied to children? How can they give informed consent?

Killing as a solution to life’s problems is a dangerous and undesirabl­e concept.

Let scientists do more research – let’s kill the pain and not the person.

John Fong


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