Waikato Times

Represent community


The first time I saw Hamilton East MP David Bennett in Hamilton was when he came for the tsunami memorial service at the Anglican church in Victoria Street. At that time he was only a candidate. Since he was elected as an MP he has attended most of the community events I have been to. He also kept in touch with the local community by parking his car and going door knocking and speaking to residents.

He may have not done much to Hamilton East and the community, but he was close to the heart of the community. I made numerous requests to Rt.Hon. John Key to appoint him as a junior minister. For some reason he was not keen to do it or give me a reason for it. Ten years ago I spoke to Hon. Bill English in Hamilton and, as soon as he became the prime minister my first request letter to him was David Bennett should be appointed as minister in Cabinet. He appointed him as a minister and even acknowledg­ed my letter saying that he had been appointed.

I have watched the Parliament proceeding­s on television where Hon. David Bennett has been speaking. He does not raise many questions to the point like Hon. Winston Peters.

As Richard Swainson pointed out in his opinion piece (Waikato Times, November 18) Mr Bennett must do more for the local community, for Hamilton East, and should be on his feet raising questions inside Parliament. This is one of the reason his majority got reduced at the last election.

Mano Manoharan


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