Waikato Times

Rodeo protesters plan big turnout


Animal rights protesters threaten their largest-ever protest against the New Year’s Day rodeo, in Warkworth, Auckland.

The event, held at the Warkworth A&P Showground­s for more than 35 years, is a popular summer attraction for holidaymak­ers.

Recent years, however, have seen an increase in protest action and calls to ban the controvers­ial sport, with some sponsors even pulling out.

The New Year’s day rodeo had about 50 people protesting at the front gates in 2016, about 70 in 2017, and organisers say there will be many more in 2018.

This will be our biggest turnout to date, said Direct Animal Action spokesman Apollo Taito.

‘‘Every year, public outcry against rodeo increases. New Zealand is meant to be a world leader in animal welfare, but we’re falling short.

‘‘We’re already seeing a strong shift away from rodeo within communitie­s with many sponsors dropping the event. Kiwi icons, the Lions Club New Zealand are among the most recent sponsors to drop rodeo and we absolutely congratula­te them for taking such a strong stand.’’

He said the group would hold large ‘STOP’ signs at the entrance of the event, calling on the new Government to stop rodeo by banning it in New Zealand.

‘‘While the last government refused to act, we’re optimistic that our new Government will ban rodeo for good. Our Animal Welfare Act calls for animals to be handled in a way that minimises pain and distress. But rodeo by its very nature, goes against this and actually shames us as a nation.’’

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