Waikato Times

Govt informatio­n


A government minister is asked a question and responds: ‘‘I don’t think it’s in the public interest to give further informatio­n on that matter’’. Such responses show an immense lack of respect for voters and tends to destroy interest in events under considerat­ion.

These are our representa­tives voted in by us and they owe us explanatio­ns and informatio­n, not dud words like ‘‘I don’t think . . . ’’ (no you don’t) or ‘‘I would be very keen . . . ’’ even ‘‘I am passionate about . . .’’ all leading to meaningles­s piffle.

It’s no wonder there is voter apathy and lethargy when there is no excitement from strong debate, ideas seeking shape etc.

Angela O’Leary is on the right track with her Facebook pages and the informatio­n she is putting out and the debate being started up. If her example was followed by others we might see that being translated into more interest and action on voting for active representa­tives not just BOS’s (bums on seats).

Bruce Cresswell Hamilton

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