Waikato Times

Town still hopes Waikeria will expand

A final decision on the Waikeria Prison expansion, planned by the former National government, could come before May 17. Jo Lines-MacKenzie reports.


Preparator­y work has begun at the Waikeria prison site, even though the Government has still not decided if it will go ahead with the full expansion.

In 2016 National announced that Waikeria would become the country’s largest prison, increasing its capacity from 650 to, eventually, 3000 beds.

It had planned to complete a

1500-bed expansion by 2021. However, Labour put the decision on hold after winning the

2017 election.

The National government’s immediate plans were for a

$1 billion spend on 1800 new prison beds. This included a 1500-bed expansion at Waikeria, extra beds at Northland’s Ngawha Prison, and a new 245-bed block at Mt Eden Correction­s Facility.

Last Wednesday, Justice Minister Andrew Little said a decision on the ‘‘mega prison’’ would be made public within the next few weeks. The Department of Correction­s said that despite putting the decision on ice, the Government agreed for Correction­s to continue some preparator­y work at Waikeria while options were considered.

There has also been some other work undertaken while National was still in government.

‘‘As a result of the Environmen­t Court hearing into the proposed redevelopm­ent of the Waikeria site last year, the court imposed conditions requiring Correction­s to undertake upgrades and safety work to the road leading to the prison,’’ a Correction­s spokespers­on said in a statement.

‘‘These improvemen­ts also included a widening of a singlelane bridge. This work was [to be] undertaken regardless of whether the build went ahead or not.’’

A spokesman for Correction­s Minister Kelvin Davis said in a statement that only earthworks were being done at this stage.

‘‘Earthworks are weather contingent, so needed to be done over the summer season. If the work was not done, it could delay any potential build at Waikeria for a year. As mentioned, no decision has been made on Waikeria. Regarding the earthworks, the Government is being prudent and keeping our options open,’’ the email statement said.

The Otorohanga community has been waiting to see if the small town will get a much-welcomed boost in prison jobs.

Otorohanga District Mayor Max Baxter hasn’t been told when a decision will be made, but is hoping that it will be approved shortly.

‘‘We are talking with Correction­s and they are confident that it will go ahead,’’ Baxter said.

A subdivisio­n is under constructi­on in the town and another is planned to start later in the year.

‘‘Houses are being developed, but we are like any other area with a housing shortage. So Otorohanga will be able to survive should the expansion not go ahead,’’ Baxter said. A medical centre has been approved and work has begun on that.

Ray White real estate agent John Rothery has seen interest in people looking for sections.

‘‘Whether they’re from Waikeria employees or not, I’m not too sure. We have had a few inquiries from people intending to come here and work at Waikeria,’’

‘‘We are talking with Correction­s and they are confident that it will go ahead.’’ Mayor Max Baxter

Rothery said. While the expansion of Waikeria would be a big gain, the town does have further expansion in the pipeline with the potential of a new dairy factory. And Nova Energy has consent to build a power station in the district. The Government will want to announce a decision on the prison expansion before Budget 2018 on May 17.

 ?? PHOTO: STUFF ?? Basic earthworks have started at Waikeria Prison after initially being given the go-ahead for an expansion under the National government.
PHOTO: STUFF Basic earthworks have started at Waikeria Prison after initially being given the go-ahead for an expansion under the National government.
 ?? PHOTO: CHRISTEL YARDLEY/STUFF ?? A subdivisio­n in Otorohanga has still got the go-ahead, since a dairy factory and power plant are also planned.
PHOTO: CHRISTEL YARDLEY/STUFF A subdivisio­n in Otorohanga has still got the go-ahead, since a dairy factory and power plant are also planned.

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