Waikato Times

Israel Folau


The New Zealand public are currently being treated to a sobering object lesson played out in newspapers, on radio, television and the internet– and the lesson is this: if you dare to hold and express any belief contrary to those promoted by secular humanism and the progressiv­e elite, you will be publicly vilified.

In recent days Israel Folau has been widely abused in mainstream and online media for an answer he gave to an anonymous questioner on a social media platform. The question was religious in nature, as was Mr Folau’s answer. Yet media outlets across the country and internet have been swift to revile Mr Folau as a ‘‘homophobe’’ and hate speaker on the basis of this one online interactio­n.

Such a hostile response is deeply ironic, as progressiv­e secular humanism and its proponents in our media, educationa­l institutio­ns and government claim to be inclusive, respectful and open-minded towards all people. However, it now appears that this inclusivit­y and mutual respect only extend to those people who subscribe to the tenets of fashionabl­e, progressiv­e, secular faith. No deviations will be tolerated. Here endeth the lesson.

Kirsty Walker


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