Waikato Times

Look after the gut for better health

- Raewyn Ng movement and health coach, mybod.co.nz

The impact of the gut on overall health is in the spotlight as scientists learn more about its vital

Your microbial makeup can affect how different foods are digested, and determines the calories and nutrients your body absorbs.


The gut is no longer thought of as just the thing that digests and absorbs your food, it’s becoming recognised as a player in other aspects of health such as supporting your immune system, influencin­g mood and behaviour, producing certain vitamins and hormones, and affecting your weight.

Within the gut, you’ll find trillions of bacteria and microbes – around 1-2 kilograms – collective­ly known as the microbiome.

There are more bacterial cells in your body than human cells and it’s reported that there’s up to 1000 species of human gut bacteria, all with different roles in the body. Your individual microbial makeup is as unique as your fingerprin­t.

Along with around 100 million neurons in your gut lining controllin­g blood flow, secretions to help digest food and carrying informatio­n to the brain, there’s a lot going on in your gut.

Dr Jeffery Gordon, of the Washington University School of Medicine, was one of the first researcher­s to link intestinal bacteria and obesity. He found that a diverse mix of gut bacteria is the key to staying lean.

Studies have shown that lean people generally have up to

70 per cent more gut bacteria, and more diverse gut bacteria, than overweight people. A typical Western diet that’s high in fat and refined sugars but low in fibre generally leads to less microbial diversity.

Your microbial makeup can affect how different foods are digested, and determines the calories and nutrients your body absorbs. Dietary fibre is digested by certain gut bacteria, producing chemicals that benefit gut health and affect weight loss.

Your gut bacteria can also influence how fats are absorbed and your sensitivit­y to insulin, both of which impact how fat is stored. Certain gut bacteria influence the production of leptin and ghrelin, the hormones that control your appetite and your drive to eat.

While your gut microbiome is to some extent affected by genetics, following good lifestyle and dietary habits can help to promote more beneficial microbes over harmful ones.

Increase fibre intake to encourage healthy gut bacteria like bifidobact­eria, which can help weight loss. Most high-fibre foods, such as fruit, vegetables and wholegrain­s, also contain prebiotics, which your gut bacteria break down for fuel to promote more beneficial bacteria. Focus on a variety of wholefoods for a more diverse microbiome.

The typical Western diet is quite limited, and it’s estimated 75 per cent of the world’s food is made from 12 plant and five animal species. Increase polyphenol­s, a type of antioxidan­t that your microbiome breaks down, to help make more healthy gut bacteria. Polyphenol­rich foods include green tea, dark chocolate, olive oil, and wholegrain­s. Eat fermented foods such as yoghurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, and kefir, which contain probiotics and healthy bacteria that can control the amount of disease-causing bacteria in the gut.

Find ways to reduce chronic ongoing stress as it slows gut function.

Gentle exercise such as Vinyasa yoga, walking in nature, meditation, breathing exercises, or mindfulnes­s techniques can also help.

Turn off your devices and get quality sleep. Without enough sleep, immunity is lowered, inflammati­on increases, and gut function slows down.

 ??  ?? Eating fermented foods such as yoghurt can control the amount of diseasecau­sing bacteria in the gut.
Eating fermented foods such as yoghurt can control the amount of diseasecau­sing bacteria in the gut.

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