Waikato Times

‘Come and go staff’


Seems awfully like the minister of ‘‘come and go staff and perhaps shove’’ is being kept on as a minister. Customs deserves better than Meka Whaitiri, unless of course she just wants to shove immigrants and visitors out of the country. I guess that goes with being prime minister of love, peace and comrades, except when it comes to the comrades in New Zealand First.

So if you have a difficult problem, what do you do? Have another ‘‘we want privacy’’ photo of you and Neve and not your husband? Prime minister ‘‘smile a lot and say nothing’’ is soon on her way to the UN with her, please don’t photograph my child (please do, really, please do) so I won’t have to say anything that reflects my hopeless government, of which I am not in charge.

You see, I am the captain of the ship. As captain, I agreed to bring someone from America to take up a Government position, thus resigning his job in America, bringing his household to find on arrival in New Zealand he had no job. Oh, yes, let’s make an idiot of someone we recruited in the eyes of his confreres, because I am a prime minister who knows how to lead the comrades.

Funny we have not heard that term lately, prime minister, but then if you are minister of all love and comrades, you just smile, hold Neve and, well, your leadership speaks for itself! Thank God for the real prime minister, Winston Peters. But Judith Collins is coming. Wait . . .

Ian Hanley, Hamilton

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