Waikato Times

Kim masks fly off shelves as the Koreas make up

- Ilbo

South Korean shoppers are rushing to buy novelty Kim Jong-un moisturisi­ng face masks ahead of a possible inaugural visit of the North Korean leader to Seoul, the capital.

Advertisin­g for the ‘‘unificatio­n moisturisi­ng face masks’’ shows a picture of an impersonat­or of the young leader, laughing while wearing a white sheet over his facial features. Slogans tout the masks as being ‘‘wrinkleres­istant’’ and ‘‘water-resilient’’ nuclear bomb packs.

The beauty products cost about four times the price of regular cosmetics – at 4,000 won (NZ$5.10) – but are still reportedly flying off the shelves, chalking up more than 25,000 sales since being launched by 5149, a skincare company, in June.

One woman told The Chosun

that she did not want to miss out on the latest trend. ‘‘I bought one because I thought it would be a hot topic if I took a picture of the mask pack and put it on social media,’’ said Jeon, an 18-year-old student.

She joins a flurry of social media posts, where people have joyfully posed in the masks with friends, and people have given demonstrat­ions on how to apply them on YouTube. Comments underneath the posts point to how ‘‘funny’’ the product is.

‘‘Customers are laughing just at the packaging,’’ said an employee of a downtown Seoul mall, describing the masks as having ‘‘good market appeal’’.

 ??  ?? Kim Jong-un face masks are proving a surprise hit in South Korea.
Kim Jong-un face masks are proving a surprise hit in South Korea.

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