Waikato Times

5 steps to a summer-ready

- Elizabeth Clarke

Along with enjoying the warmth of dappled sunlight, balmy days and toasty nights, it’s the time to lighten and brighten your home.

‘‘Now is the time to tick off items on your to-do list rather than just a crash spring clean,’’ says profession­al organiser Robyn Amott from Bless this Mess.

‘‘Allocating tasks to do [now] versus winter allows us to spread tasks over the entire year, making them more achievable.’’

Here is your annual maintenanc­e and style checklist for a house that runs like a chic and well-oiled machine all summer long.

Ditch and purge

After hibernatin­g at home all winter, summer is the perfect time to declutter and purge, says creative director Sarah Elshaug from Maitland Interiors.

‘‘Less is definitely more in summer, so pack away all those extra winter comfort items. It provides a clean canvas that allows you to start styling again from a fresh summery perspectiv­e.’’

Dust detox

Start from the ground up, giving carpets and rugs a thorough winter detox.

‘‘Steam-cleaning rugs and carpets imparts a real feeling of renewal and freshness to any room,’’ says Amott.

‘‘It deep cleans and frees them from the dust and dirt we have trampled through our homes during the winter months. Have your air-conditioni­ng system and filters cleaned to ensure fresh, free-flowing air, and service and clean all appliances so they are ready to go for the festive season.’’

One in, one out

Plan for a beautifull­y organised and streamline­d home by applying the one-in-one-out rule.

‘‘For any new items that come into the home, an item of the same or similar category is moved on, sold or donated,’’ says Amott.

‘‘This allows us to maintain boundaries for each category of item.

‘‘This is particular­ly useful during gift-giving times throughout the year.’’

 ??  ?? Scatter cushions can switch up the look of any room.
Scatter cushions can switch up the look of any room.

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