Waikato Times

Events next week:


human condition which marked Mansfield’s success.

When, then, Slaughter told the supportive audience that she (Slaughter) was ‘‘walking you (the audience) into her (Mansfield) through the filter of my own work’’, she was speaking from a position of experience and authority.

It was a rare hour in which the significan­ce of the image and its power in prose as well as poetry to communicat­e the incomprehe­nsible and reveal the inaccessib­le was demonstrat­ed by the very subject matter of the talk. Those who can’t do, teach, and those who can’t teach become critics, goes the old saw.

Dr Slaughter demonstrat­ed tonight that she can do all three. What a trio she is. Thursday 14 at 5.30 pm at the Waikato Museum. Exhibition curator Penelope Jackson and renowned cellist Martin Griffiths will take visitors on an artistic and musical tour of The Garden Party exhibition with a special focus on two portraits, painted a century apart, of beloved writer Katherine Mansfield.

Friday 15 at 7.30 at Claudeland­s, the NZSO presents its first Hamilton concert for 2019, Classical Journey, playing selections from Rossini, Haydn, Prokofiev, and Brahms under the baton of Associate Conductor Hamish McKeich.

Sunday 17 at 12.00pm at the Waikato Museum, Violinist Charlotte Francis and pianist Gemma Lee have been performing as a duo since 2016, and for this performanc­e Charlotte Francis will be playing an extraordin­ary violin made in 1741 by Giacomo Zanoli.

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Tracey Slaughter: Talk onShort Stories.

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