Waikato Times

Jihadists pinned down in battle for last square mile

- Telegraph Group

US-backed troops are battling at Syria’s eastern edge to oust Islamic State from the last square mile of the group’s once-sprawling so-called caliphate.

More than four years into Operation Inherent Resolve, the US-led coalition against Islamic State is close to claiming victory in the battle for territory once overrun by jihadists from all over the world.

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a Kurdish-led group and the lead coalition proxy on the ground, said that it would mount a final push following a week-long pause in fighting.

The SDF had claimed its forces had been forced to halt as IS was using civilians as human shields.

However, it is understood the reason was to allow for negotiatio­ns between the SDF and IS, which had been seeking safe passage to other desert areas of Syria in return for the release of dozens of SDF fighters captured in battle.

Talks collapsed at the weekend and IS released a video of the execution of two Arab members of the SDF.

The SDF, backed by coalition air power including UK support, has mowed through IS’s former territory, moving south to a one square mile wedge of land bordered by the Iraqi border to the east and the Euphrates river to the west.

The SDF pushed towards the village of Baghuz, where it is estimated up to 600 jihadists could remain, including many foreign fighters.

‘‘Our forces are relying on direct combat with light weapons,’’ said Mustafa Bali, the SDF spokesman. He added that his men had captured 41 jihadist positions before the day’s end.

Just inside Iraq, French troops were poised to ambush any jihadists trying to escape across the border they once bulldozed through with ease.

Coalition deputy commander Christophe­r Ghika last week said Iraqi forces had sealed their border with Syria.

But even as the physical ground held by the jihadists shrinks, the terror group maintains a network of cells and supporters that spans the globe.

The presence of hundreds of foreign fighters and their wives and children raises difficult questions about the group’s legacy and the willingnes­s of other countries to tackle it headon.

The coalition’s aim of dismantlin­g and destroying IS is also challenged by the spectre of IS leader Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi. The self-proclaimed caliph has long been in hiding but still communicat­es with recorded messages from his secret hideout. –

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Civilians who have fled fighting in Baghuz wait to board trucks after being screened by members of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) at a makeshift screening point in the desert.
GETTY IMAGES Civilians who have fled fighting in Baghuz wait to board trucks after being screened by members of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) at a makeshift screening point in the desert.

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