Waikato Times

Man behind racist rant says ‘sorry’

- Marine Lourens and Sam Sherwood

The brewery owner behind a racist Facebook rant – in which he called Ma¯ori the scourge of New Zealand – has apologised for his ‘‘completely unacceptab­le’’ comments.

In a widely circulated Facebook post, David Gaughan, the owner of Eagle Brewing and The Port & Eagle Brewpub in Kaiapoi, north of

Christchur­ch, lashed out against Ma¯ori who he called

‘‘New Zealand’s biggest problem’’.

Gaughan wrote

Ma¯ori ‘‘are the scurge’’ [sic] of New Zealand and ‘‘the quicker we put them in prison the better’’. He said he was referring to the majority of Ma¯ori men, ‘‘the ones who beat their missis’’ [sic].

The post, which sparked outrage and caused several venues and bottle stores to stop selling the brewery’s products, has since been removed from Facebook.

In a statement yesterday, Gaughan said his post was ‘‘completely unacceptab­le’’. ‘‘I want to apologise unreserved­ly for making the comment, and for the large amount of hurt and anger it has caused, and rightly so.

‘‘The comment was made as a result of deep-seated issues I have within myself about growing up with family violence and seeing it affect people I love. This in no way justifies what I said.

‘‘I have come to understand that I need to look at the changes I can make to unlearn and relearn, so I can gain a better cultural understand­ing in the place that I feel privileged to call my home.’’ He thanked those who had reached out, including organisati­ons such as She is not your rehab, who he would be working with on ‘‘this new journey of understand­ing’’ as well as his Ma¯ori friends who had ‘‘encouraged open dialogue with aroha to create a deeper understand­ing’’.

‘‘Again, I am deeply sorry, and I will do everything in my power to learn, grow and make this right.’’

The damage was already done, as several businesses stocking Eagle Brewing products have already distanced themselves from the business. Corporate partners have also severed ties with the company.

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