Waikato Times

Uwhi weed project draws on m¯atauranga M¯aori

- Benn Bathgate

Using an 800-year-old mā tauranga Mā ori solution to tackle a 70-year-old pest weed problem appears to be working – and it’s also helping weavers into jobs and connecting people with their ancestors.

Back in December, harakeke weed mats, called uwhi were laid at sites on the bottom of Lake Rotoiti and Lake Tarawera in a collaborat­ive project from Te Arawa Lakes Trust, Toitū Te Whenua Land Informatio­n New Zealand and Te Roopū Raranga Ki Rotorua.

The idea was simple.

The woven mats suppress the pest weed, preventing parts breaking off and establishi­ng elsewhere, and also block the photosynth­esis process.

Seeds from the native weeds, however, are able to grow up through the mats and, over time, hopefully replace their pest competitor­s.

Te Arawa Lakes Trust divers have been monitoring the project and tomorrow a third tranche of uwhi is set to be laid in Lake Rotomā .

Lead diver Corey O’Neill said the team is confident the positive results they have seen so far will be sustained, and hopefully increased over time.

‘‘We started the monitoring process with no expectatio­ns.

‘‘We had an idea based on scientific knowledge of how the uwhi may work, but we have nonetheles­s been thrilled to see the early trends indicating uwhi are an effective weed control measure.

‘‘This centuries-old solution to a new-age problem is testament to the pivotal role mā tauranga Mā ori can play alongside western science.’’

The positive effects of the uwhi project are being felt beyond the lakes of Rotorua, however.

Many of the hand-picked weavers creating the uwhi had lost their jobs due to Covid-19, and the project has provided them with not only employment, but the chance to give back to the community.

Te Roopū Raranga Ki Rotorua Kaitakawae­nga Judy Howe-Wiperi said working on the uwhi has been cathartic for her, having poured her blood, sweat and tears into the kaupapa from day one.

‘‘Uwhi gave me a purpose and I poured all my pain and heartache into creating something that would go out and make a positive difference in our world.’’

‘‘I just know our tū puna would be looking down on us right now saying ‘wow’.

‘‘This uwhi trial has helped many of us reconnect with our tū puna in a way we hadn’t before.’’

Te Arawa Lakes Trust biosecurit­y manager William Anaru says the trial highlights the advantages of genuine collaborat­ion between iwi and government agencies.

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