Waikato Times

A food crisis cometh


Wandering the bowels of the internet throughout this vax schmozzle have been references to a ‘‘World Government’’. What this world government probably hasn’t allowed for is that they would be taking over a ‘‘world population’’ that is slowly collapsing under its own weight of overpopula­tion and the food insecurity that goes with it. Once poverty and food insecurity are embedded in a population it becomes exceedingl­y difficult, let alone dangerous, to handle politicall­y. The French Revolution didn’t happen because someone jumped up on a soap box in the park. It happened because of inflation and lack of food.

With the 1% grabbing way more than their fair share and hoarding it, poverty is already baked in and food insecurity, turbocharg­ed by climate change, collapsing supply chains and Russia’s insanity, is not far behind. As for the ‘‘World Army’’ the expanding NATO is no more than a bunch of Chamberlai­ns that do no more than hide behind curtains shaking their fists at Russia whilst it wrecks its neighbour and commits war crime after war crime. Why spend trillions modernisin­g and collecting a multitude of deadly weapons when you then hide behind some words on a piece of paper, or more importantl­y, lack of words in Ukraine’s case. ‘‘A Special Military Operation’’? Bah humbug, it is a war and should be treated as such. Ukraine is not a member of NATO so Article 5 does not apply. What? Too much Foie Gras has given the decision-makers of NATO a bad case of lilly livers.

NATO is probably 100 times more powerful than Russia yet it cowers whenever Putin mentions chemicals or nuclear. The West along with the rest of the world is now paying dearly for not nipping this ‘‘Special Military Operation’’ in the bud. As if the world doesn’t have enough problems at the moment with climate change, debt mountains, inflation and a lingering pandemic. A refugee crisis has been generated that could multiply exponentia­lly once food becomes scarce. Political instabilit­y will spread faster than Covid ever managed. ‘‘ . . . for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.’’ Paul in Galatians 6:7.

And now by our own efforts, or lack of them, we are rapidly heading for a situation where there is not enough seed to sow. We will have, by necessity, already eaten it. Then what?

Geoff Orchard, Ohaupo

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