Waikato Times

World woes and Luxon’s feather duvet


What is happening to our country? All the new Government has achieved is to cut, cut, cut with no thought for the consequenc­es or where to from here. It is a case of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. There is little sympathy for the underdog from a prime minister who wants what he’s entitled to, regardless. He may have returned the $52,000 entitlemen­t for his own accommodat­ion but he and his wife were happy to take the clean car discount. Now he’s cut that off for anyone else. He reputedly owns 7 properties while others will never in their life time own one.

Is this a fair and equal society? Once we had one of the highest standards of living in the world but now many struggle to make ends meet on the few crumbs thrown their way. We were admired for leading the world in attempts to eliminate smoking but now that is going up in smoke. Can’t they see that will lead to more deaths? Maybe the tax on cigarettes will help build the extra hospitals that will be needed?

The demolishin­g of so much of the media is a major concern. Will people turn to social media in increasing numbers to get their news?

Doing away with much of the investigat­ive journalism will make it easier to fall down the ever expanding rabbit hole.

Wake up to the real world prime minister. Don’t forget the thousands suffering as the country sinks into disarray. I wonder how you can sleep at night. No doubt it’s in your comfortabl­e bed wrapped snuggly in your feather duvet. Lucky for some.

Beverley Wood, Hamilton

 ?? ?? There is little sympathy for the underdog from a prime minister who wants what he’s entitled to, regardless. writes Beverley Wood.
There is little sympathy for the underdog from a prime minister who wants what he’s entitled to, regardless. writes Beverley Wood.

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