Waipa Post

General removal of sanctity of life a worry


Concern is being expressed upon the increasing number of suicides that are happening amongst the young, and which the government and a number of organisati­ons are going to try and help.

Might I say that I believe two of the contributi­ng factors might be the teaching of Evolution in schools and the regular killing of unwanted embryo in the mother’s womb, not for medical or health reasons but for convenienc­e.

There is a general removal of the sanctity of life.

Kids are taught we all came from slime, millions of years ago, not created in the image of God.

This has helped generate the colour hate seen in the Christchur­ch shooting and other incidents involving people who are different to us.

We are all God’s created beings whatever race or colour we are, and many have lost the moral beliefs of the sanctity of other people’s rights as God’s created creatures.

When we know that God created us for a purpose and that it is up to us to seek God’s guidance and will for that life, it gives us a purpose and hope.

People dismiss the Bible, but did you know that all that is happening in the world now was not only prophesise­d by Jesus, 2000 years ago in Matthew Chapter 24, but also 600 years before Jesus came the details of Iran’s (Persia), Turkey’s (Gomer and Togarmah), Libyan (Put), Sudanese [Cush] and Russian (Magog) intentions towards Israel, now back in their own land and an establishe­d nation once again, fulfilled in 1948 by the United Nations?

This is all detailed in Ezekiel, Chapters 37-39 in the Bible, and how it all works out.

There is a way out. Try reading John, Chapter 3 verses 16 to 21.

It might be a way out of your problems. Jesus is not fictitious; Jesus came 2000 years ago and is a historical fact. BRIAN PAPWORTH (Abridged)


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