Walking New Zealand

Walking New Zealand Monthly Photo Contest


The image could be a scenic scene, a walk on the beach with the dog, a bush walk, a street walk or anything walking that takes your fancy.

The rules are simply: there must be a person or persons walking in the picture either front, side or back on, and can be in the distance. We require an emailed image in high resolution mode, in jpeg format as an attachment, and NOT embedded in Word or in the email, and NOT a link to a website to be downloaded.

The subject line must have the words “Walking New Zealand Photo Contest” and the email must include the NAME, POSTAL ADDRESS and phone number of the person who took the photo and a small caption.

In this contest only ONE emailed photo accepted per month. Entry in the contest automatica­lly allows us to print the image. The person who has their photo published will receive a six month subscripti­on or a renewal to Walking New Zealand magazine of six months. If a picture is chosen for the cover page the person will receive a 12 month subscripti­on or renewal.

Email your entries to: walkingnz@xtra.co.nz with subject line “Walking New Zealand Photo Contest”Only EMAILED entries will be accepted.

We are looking for the best digital photos each month depicting walking

Now the time to get your digital camera out or look through your digital images and enter the

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