Walking New Zealand

New Taranaki bridge is expected to draw visitors


Taranaki Crossing seeks to develop a high-quality visitor experience on Taranaki Maunga in Egmont National Park.

The Taranaki Crossing refers to the main track network enabling visitors to travel by foot from Dawson Falls along the slopes of the maunga, across the Ahukawakaw­a wetland and over the Pouakai Ranges to the end of Mangorei Road. The journey can be experience­d as a series of day walks, or a multi-day tramp.

Additional funding has been contribute­d by local councils and DOC. The crossing project will see 25 km of tracks improved, creating a mix of short walks and longer tramps. It will also minimise the impact of visitors on the maunga environmen­t.

When completed, the Taranaki Crossing will showcase a safer and world-class visitor experience that truly represents Taranaki Maunga and its people. The improvemen­ts will reduce the impact of people visiting the maunga as well as providing an enhanced visitor experience.

The $13.4 million Taranaki Crossing project is being funded through the Provincial Growth Fund. Designed for a lifespan of 100 years, and to withstand the sub-alpine Manganui Gorge’s winds and weather conditions, the 109-metre bridge will sit 49.5 metres above the gorge floor.

The mast on the southern side of the bridge is 25 metres tall, while its north side counterpar­t is six metres high – the difference representi­ng geography of the terrain and gorge it crosses.

DOC’s Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki Regional Director Tinaka Mearns says project on the bridge build project is on track – despite the challenges of the environmen­t and the relative

“Our confirmati­on of the bridge design in December 2022 gave us an idea of how impressive it would be, and now we’re seeing it take shape it’s really exciting.” Liana Poutu, co-chair of the Taranaki Crossing Project says it is a great milestone to see the structural progress of the Manganui bridge build.

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