Weekend Herald - Canvas



Ready in 45 mins Makes 24-30 ½ recipe crusty flatbread dough (see right) Neutral cooking oil, such as rice bran, to fry To serve 1 cup tomato passata or tomato pasta sauce

⅓ cup grated mozzarella or grated parmesan 24-30 small basil leaves Prepare the dough by following the instructio­ns for crusty flatbread up to the point where the dough has risen and doubled in bulk. Sprinkle a little flour on a board or bench, roll the dough into a long sausage, then cut into 24-30 evenly sized pieces. Roll each piece into a ball then flatten with the floured palm of your hand. Allow to rest for a few minutes then roll each piece out so it is about 1cm thick. Press your thumb into the centre of each rolled round to create a light dimple. Pour the cooking oil into a medium pot to a depth of about 2cm and heat over a medium heat until it is hot enough that a small piece of dough starts to sizzle vigorously as soon as it is added. Fry the dough rounds 3 or 4 at a time until they are golden on the bottom, then flip to cook the other side. Lift out of the oil and drain on paper towels. Serve topped with tomato passata or pasta sauce, mozzarella or parmesan and basil leaves.

Annabel says:

You can make these pillow-like breads ahead of time and reheat in a hot oven for a few minutes before topping with tomato passata or pasta sauce, parmesan and basil and serving.

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