Weekend Herald - Canvas

Spring into action

It is a good idea to give my home a seasonal refresh?

- Tracey Strange

The onset of spring provides a reason for an annual cleanout. And once those overfull cupboards are sorted? Well, if you listen to the homeware experts, it’s time to refill them with new things. Here are some of the new season’s biggest trends, according to King Living’s Neale Whitaker.

1 Terrazzo: If you aren’t sure, terrazzo is a material (usually concrete or resin) that’s combined with small chips of another element like granite, marble or even recycled ceramics. Reminiscen­t of the 1970s, terrazzo is a “cool alternativ­e” to marble, according to Whitaker, and its patterns are finding their way into tiles, splashback­s, benchtops, furniture and accessorie­s such as ceramics, cushions and lampshades.

2 Maximalism: “Maximalism is still a predominan­t force, as evidenced by the sudden popularity of glass-fronted cabinets and open shelving in kitchens, laundries, bathrooms and living rooms,” says Whitaker. “The look is all about thoughtful, curated collection­s of glassware, ceramics, books, linens.”

3 Dark timbers: The decor pendulum is swinging away from blond Scandi-inspired timbers to dark, smoked woods. Steady yourself for an influx of matte-black flooring, furniture and accessorie­s, with an almost-charred smoky surface. And if you’re not ready to give up entirely on the lighter wood, mixing smoky with blond looks great.

4 Decorative details: There would be few decor devices as dividing as a fringe. What some see as enhancemen­ts on cushions, rugs and bed throws, others regard as fussy overkill. But, following in fashion’s footsteps, the fringe is back. “The devil is definitely in the decorative detail.”

5 Your house as a haven: “Mindfulnes­s and meditation have become popular — an antidote to our frenetic, info-heavy lifestyles. In design terms, that translates as incense and oil burners in metal, stone and geometric shapes. Our chakras have never looked so stylish,” says Whitaker.

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