Weekend Herald - Canvas


- Sarah Daniell sarah.daniell@nzherald.co.nz

When Will Connolly egged the Australian senator after the Christchur­ch mosque shootings, it was more than simply a case of an egg for an egg, throwing good eggs after bad. In a year in which young people have protested and fought to be heard on important issues, the Australian teenage activist became a kind of torchbeare­r for decency; a David vs Goliath symbol. Not a slingshot, instead an egg, for the greater good. Greg Bruce tracked down Connolly in Melbourne and met his family and community. Connolly is the last person to condone his actions and certainly the last to buy into any kind of hero label. What happened after the egg? It’s an affecting, insightful profile; a celebratio­n of youth, and a reminder that non-conformity has a very special, enduring power.

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