Weekend Herald - Canvas


An easy-to-prepare dinner party


The other day we were out for dinner as the tag-along guests of some friends we were staying with. Over pre-dinner drinks, I happened to overhear our hostess remarking to another woman that she couldn’t stand going to other people’s houses to find they were still getting things ready.

“It just isn’t right to turn up and find people still prepping and cooking. Honestly, if you’re going to invite people over you need everything prepared and ready before people arrive, it’s just bad manners if you don’t.”

I made a quick mental note never to invite these people to my place for a meal. Hell, I’m never that organised. Dessert — yes, that’s always something I have ready to go (even if it’s store-bought icecream and bottled fruit). Generally the business of washing and chopping vegetables is sorted but, unless it’s a big party, I am happy to cook while everyone’s there, especially now as the days lengthen and our appetites turn to lighter, fresher tastes and dishes that, for the most are best cooked quickly at the last minute.

In days gone by, you could have easily turned up to my house on the invitation of dinner to find no sign of any preparatio­n and perhaps wondered if you had arrived on the wrong day. Life was so busy that all my cooking was on the wing. Over the years I’ve learned that this strategy is not only stressful but also easily given to failure.

These days, no matter how far behind I am on food prep, before anyone arrives I always set the table, arrange fresh flowers, light candles, put on some cruisy tunes, throw some booze in the fridge to chill and set a bowl of olives or pistachios on the bench with some glasses. Then I get changed as though I was the one invited out for dinner.

Even if there’s nothing ready to eat, when people arrive, they feel welcome and I feel fabulous. I’ve learned that it’s better to drop the bar rather than try to raise it. Prepare food that’s easy and yummy, that you don’t really have to think too much about.

If the kitchen isn’t your comfort zone, don’t let that put you off inviting people over. Just buy really good-quality readymade foods that you can more or less “assemble”. The better the ingredient­s, the less work on your part.

Fresh salmon with a crispy skin and fragrant lentils, a tangy salad and an easy cake make for a yummy menu that can mostly be prepped ahead and won’t stress you out.

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