Weekend Herald

Critics scornful of Howard’s take on WMD

Former PM attacked as having the facts all wrong as he continues to defend reasons for sending Australia to war in Iraq


Former Liberal Prime Minister John Howard’s continuing justificat­ion for sending Australia to war against Iraq in 2003 has come under renewed attack from critics who believe he i s either blind to facts or a liar.

Howard repeated his stance at a speech to mark last Thursday’s 10th anniversar­y of the fall of Baghdad.

He said Australia has been motivated both by ‘‘ the depth and character of our relationsh­ip with the US’’ and the belief Iraq had weapons of mass destructio­n.

It was, he said, a belief supported by intelligen­ce assessment­s by both Australian and foreign agencies and most of other world Government­s.

Labor had demanded a new United Nations resolution calling for the invasion, but accepted the assertions Iraq had stockpiles of WMDs, used as the legal justificat­ion for joining the war.

Howard’s statements that intelligen­ce clearly stated the threat posed by Iraqi WMDs have been challenged by people involved in framing assessment­s at the time, or in later inquiries into the intelligen­ce provided to the Government.

In his speech to the Lowy Institute Howard said claims that Australia had gone to war based on a lie were ‘‘ the most notorious one of all about the conduct of my Government, and of others, and merit the most emphatic rejection’’.

‘‘ Not only does it impugn the integrity of the decision- making process at the highest level, but also the pro- fessionali­sm and integrity of intelligen­ce agencies here and elsewhere.

‘‘ Some of their key assessment­s proved to be wrong, but that is a world away from those assessment­s being the product of deceit and/ or political manipulati­on.’’

Howard said Australia’s belief at the time that Iraq had WMDs was ‘‘ near universal’’ and that even critics of the decision to join the invasion, None of the Government’s arguments were supported by the intelligen­ce presented to it by its own agencies. None of these arguments were true. ranging from former French President Jacques Chirac to former Labor leader Kevin Rudd, shared that view.

He cited the inquiry by former diplomat Philip Flood into the intelligen­ce provided to the Government, which found there was a ‘‘ wealth of intelligen­ce’’ on Iraqi WMDs, albeit only circumstan­tial evidence.

The Defence Intelligen­ce Organisati­on told the inquiry Iraq probably retained a WMD capability — even if degraded over time — and kept both an intent and capability to relaunch a wider programme when possible.

Howard said the Flood inquiry found ‘‘ no evidence of politicisa­tion of the assessment­s on Iraq either overt or perceived’’ and that neither it nor a parliament­ary inquiry backed claims the Government had lied.

‘‘ Neither gave a skerrick of support to the propositio­n that members of my Government had manufactur­ed convenient intelligen­ce or strongarme­d the agencies into saying things they did not believe,’’ he said.

But Howard’s claims were disputed in an article in the Sydney Morning Herald yesterday by Margaret Swieringa, a retired public servant who was secretary of the federal parliament­ary intelligen­ce committee when it drafted its report on intelligen­ce on Iraq’s WMDs.

In the run- up to the war Howard had said former dictator Saddam Hussein had an arsenal of stockpiled WMDs and a huge programme for developing offensive biological weapons that was larger and more advanced than before the 1991 Gulf War.

‘‘ None of the Government’s arguments were supported by the intelligen­ce presented to it by its own agencies,’’ Swieringa wrote. ‘‘ None of these arguments were true.’’

She said Howard had been ‘‘ selective to the point of being misleading’’ in his quotations from the findings of the parliament­ary inquiry.

It had found instead that intelligen­ce assessment­s reported that the threat from Iraqi WMDs was lower than a decade earlier, its military capability was limited, its nuclear programme was unlikely to be far ad- vanced, it had no nuclear weapons and there were no ballistic missiles capable of hitting the US.

Assessment­s further said there was no known chemical weapons production or specific evidence of a resumed programme, no known biological weapons testing or evaluation since 1991, and no evidence that chemical weapon warheads had been developed for ballistic missiles.

The committee concluded that the Government’s case for war based on

 ?? Pictures / AP ?? It is 10 years since the fall of Baghdad but the war in Iraq continues to be a topic of hot debate.
Pictures / AP It is 10 years since the fall of Baghdad but the war in Iraq continues to be a topic of hot debate.
 ?? Australia correspond­ent ?? Greg Ansley
Australia correspond­ent Greg Ansley

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