Weekend Herald

Burkini ban risks more attacks, says Hollande

President warns against ‘ knee- jerk’ law in speech seen as launch of campaign

- Henry Samuel in Paris

A “knee- jerk” law banning the burkini could fuel further Islamist attacks on France, Francois Hollande warned yesterday in a speech seen as kicking off his re- election campaign.

In an hour- long address on “democracy and terrorism”, the Socialist President insisted he would not let France “deteriorat­e in the coming months and years” and lashed out at rivals.

Commentato­rs saw it as a clear indication that he intends to run for a second five- year term next year despite remaining the most unpopular president in modern history.

Promising to protect the nation and maintain unity in the wake of attacks that have left 238 people dead since January 2015, Hollande said France could not compromise on democracy and the “rule of law” in the fight against terror, or it would “lose its soul”.

The 62- year- old singled out Nicolas Sarkozy, who hopes to represent the centre- Right again next year and has called for a law banning the burkini.

Dozens of southern French resorts banned the full body swimsuit from beaches this summer, but the country’s constituti­onal court ruled that the garment did not break laws on secularism or pose a security risk.

Hollande said: “I don’t want to give Islamists reasons to put pressure through provocatio­n to test the limits of the French Republic. Nor will I give them a pretext to take offence at the stigmatisa­tion of Muslims.”

He told allies and journalist­s at the Wagram hall, named after a famous Napoleonic victory: “While I’m President, I will pass no knee- jerk law that would be as inapplicab­le as it would be unconstitu­tional. It i s my deep conviction that our laws are sufficient, we simply need to apply them in all their rigour and effectiven­ess.”

Hollande warned that secularism was not a “state religion” to be used against other beliefs and that it was as compatible with Islam as with Christiani­ty and Judaism.

“Can Islam accept the separation of faith and law that is the very basis of secularism? My response i s yes, clearly yes. The immense majority of our Muslim compatriot­s today give us daily proof by practising their faith without any threat to public order,” he said.

“The question the Republic must answer is: Is it really ready to make place for a religion that it did not expect to be this big over a century ago. There too, my answer i s yes, certainly.”

Sarkozy this month called for a “merciless” response to terrorist attacks and said “legal niceties” should not hamper the fight against terror.

Without mentioning his rival by name, Hollande said: “Constituti­onal principles are not legal niceties.

“Is the freedom to come and go a legal nicety? Is freedom of expression a legal nicety?”

An opinion poll published by Elabe on Thursday suggested almost nine out of 10 voters were against the President seeking a second five- year term. They voiced deep dissatisfa­ction on security and the economy.

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